Swigging swag 2. The lost song

(this is not meant to be racist bro) we all know the song swiggity swag. If you don't. Your a fucking r tart. Well. Swiggity swag is one of the greatest songs of all time. But I found a lost second version of the song. You know this song Repeats the word ni**a ni**a ni**a. Well this version I found on YouTube repeat the sentence. Worship satan Worship satan. I was like, what the fuck. Then a super black demon called ni**a bitch came out of my computer and pointed its ak47 at me. I was shocked. The demon than said." you know ni**a i can butt fuck". I said I know a few hundred you can butt fuck, he than said " ok,were" so then I pointed at a kindergarten school. I never saw that demon agein.